Designing a Values-led Organizational Performance Management System

Designing a Values-led Organizational Performance Management System

The client is an investment advisory service organization based on the Islamic Sharia principles.  As per the client’s five-year strategic plan, they wanted a phenomenal growth of becoming a LKR Billion business by the fifth year.  This growth required the right set of people aligned with their overall corporate strategy.

The project involved identifying the client’s purpose, vision, mission and objectives based on the Board strategy.  Then articulating these as executable actions through skilled people.  We defined the key values  and the related behavior and the required competencies.  This was transcribed into a competency framework to measure and align the existing staff to their strategy.  With the design of the competency framework, we assessed the current competencies of the staff and measured the gap to the envisaged levels based on the framework.  A performance appraisal matrix too was designed to objectively measure the performance and progression impartially.  As a long-term assignment, people were assessed with the psychometric test and one to one interviews to determine the gaps in the skillsets.

The program assessed the skills gaps and developed the people to ensure that they are ready to take up any role and maximize their potential to achieve the five-year goal.  Upon completion of the program, the clients were able to define themselves as a purpose-driven organization leading towards their five-year plan.  The project was just completed and in the first year, we have seen a positive needle movement in the competency levels that were measured by them.  The performance measurement matrix and nine-box talent grid are being used by the client, which we designed, customized and delivered.